
Everyone of us has a mission in the life

"Well-being of the body, mind and our relationship with the environment must be as much as conscious and harmonious to allow us to live a balanced existence, use our energies and those of the environment around us in a respectful and efficient way. Every area of our life contains both light and shadow: what we know and see and what is hidden from the eyes and senses.Our daily path leads us through a journey in which everyone, rediscovering themselves, comes to realize their being themselves in the world". Laura Vacchini

Nature, body, psyche



The outermost corresponds to Nature, the environment in which our daily life takes place, the body as an element that puts us in contact with our inner world and finally the innermost center corresponds to the psyche.

This spherical system is divided into four equal parts, each with identical segments which divide each segment into 3 equal parts, the first part corresponds to the becoming of man within the universe system.

Each segment corresponds to ages that see us aware in our present:

1 segment: childhood/spring/

2 segment: youth/summer

3 segment: adulthood/autumn

4 segment: mature/winter age

Each area described has a part of light and part of shadow that form the whole.

"The Unknown"




The unknown is the moment when “something becoming different from before”. It’s not what is not knowing at all, it’s just something not yet existing or already passed by. It’s what is going to become clear to an unaware mind”.

All of us, in different ways and time, are looking for the Unknown: “only focusing inside of the darkness the light we have, we will start shining.

Becoming the best version of ouselves

A gift for the world and the next generations


Art brings life to what is possible, to what is not yet in front of ourselves. Our body can do what is not expected. With exercise, correct nutrition, the body transforms and changes. Change, becoming are our greatest gift because they allow us to evolve towards a better version of ourselves. Knowing yourself is the surest way to understand your place in the world, love yourself and love others. Becoming the better version of ouselves is a gift for the world and the next generations. People who lived in the past, our ancestors were here or out there to build a house that would allow us to live as they were doing. The house has no walls, the house we must take care of and love unconditionally is ourselves, only in this way will we be able to love everything that is outside our inner world. The most beautiful house has no walls, but wings. Wings allow us to become, protect, escape, reach the sky without fear.

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